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Company: SealPath

Solution: Protects and Controls Corporate Data, wherever they travel

Locations: Bilbao (HQ) and Madrid 

CEO: Luis Ángel del Valle

SealPath enables companies to protect and control their documents wherever they are: in their PC, in their corporate network, on a partner’s network, in the cloud, etc. Even once the document has been sent or shared and is beyond the control of the IT department.

SealPath team firmly believes that there is a paradigmatic shift in the way users communicate and the way in which business information should be protected. In a world where data is becoming more mobile, in which companies operate with a mix of on-site and cloud infrastructures, the real perimeter of the company is its own data and documents and these are the assets that must be protected wherever they are. All without changing the way users work. SealPath enhances productivity by implementing simple but secure data protection solutions.

SealPath products

SealPath IRM

SealPath protection accompanies the document both on your network and on customers’ or partners’ networks, in the cloud (e.g. Box, Dropbox, etc.) or on a mobile device. It controls who accesses the data, when and with what permission (read only, edit, print, copy and paste, etc.). You can see the details of accesses to the document and if anybody has attempted to gain access without permission. If you cease to collaborate with the holder you can block or delete the document so that it is inaccessible to that user or anyone else.


Case Study



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*Campi obbligatori

Ai sensi dell’art. 13 del Regolamento (UE) 2016/679 Generale sulla Protezione dei Dati, vi informiamo che INGECOM tratterà i vostri dati personali al fine di gestire la vostra richiesta. Potete esercitare i vostri diritti in materia di protezione dei dati tramite richiesta al nostro DPO all’indirizzo Potete ottenere ulteriori informazioni sul trattamento dei vostri dati nella nostra informativa sulla privacy pubblicata su